Organizational Membership

Sign up for CoSocial Co-operative Membership as an Organization

As well as individual people, CoSocial also welcomes organizations to become members of the co-operative. You’ll get the same membership share as individuals.

We have a few additional guidelines for organizations looking to join the cooperative and use fediverse services like Mastodon:

  • When signing up for an account on the CoSocial Mastodon server, please indicate under “Why do you want to join” that you would like to join as an organizational member. Link to your main public home page and describe your organization.
  • The Trust & Safety team will review your application, and may have additional questions about your organization. We love to host other Canadian co-operatives, non-profits, and other organizations and businesses that support co-operative owned social media.
  • Once you’re approved, please pay your fees, which are $250 for the base organizational member tier on Open Collective.
  • As part of onboarding, we’ll ask you to list one member of your organization as your representative and point of contact. They’ll represent your organization in the Members forum, meetings, AGMs, and other member gatherings.
  • Finally, we’ll work with you to get setup with verifying your Mastodon account. This means adding a little bit of HTML code to your main website and potentially other digital spaces that you link to from your profile. Once completed, your profile will have a green checkmark next to website links, so that CoSocial members and anyone in the Fediverse know that this is the verified, official account for your organization.

Have questions? Want some advice on whether you should get a single account or run your own server? Send an email to